Monday, August 18, 2008

Reunion was a Success!

Hey All!

It was great to see everyone that came to the reunion this last Saturday. I failed to take any pictures at the park, so if you took pictures, I would love it if you could email them to us and we will post them. Here are just the few that I took! We missed all of you that didn't come!

Hillary, Liz, Anna, Meredith. Your 10 year committee, minus Natalie Clark. We missed you, Nat!
At the end of the night, we announced the committee for the next reunion, so here's your 20 year committee minus Tiffany and Jen. Kelli, Maren, Annette, Sara, Janell, and Lisa. We look forward to a great reunion in 10 years girls!

The final match for the Wii competition. The two finalists were Damon and Sterling. These guys were GOOD!

At the "Senior Lock-in" we had a sheet out for everyone to sign. We asked everyone to put on it what they would be doing in 20 years. Anna has been keeping it in a safe place for the past 10 years. Thanks Anna. This is priceless! It was fun to see what people wrote. Some were dead on!

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