Saturday, August 9, 2008

Kimri Powell Murphy

It has been fun reading about what everyone has been up to. We had a very successful class.
After High School I attended Rick's & got my AA in business management. I also met my husband Chris Murphy while I was there but I wasn't in a hurry to get married so we dated for about two years before getting married in 2001.
After we got married we moved to Washington State where we both attended Central Washington University. While living there I started working as a financial aid assistant at Perry Technical Insitute and became the Financial Aid Director when I got my BS in Business Administration. In June 2005 we had Jaden. My job was fabulous & I they allowed me to hire more support staff so that I could have a flexible & part time schedule so that I could stay home with my baby. At 17 months Jaden attended montessori school in the morning while I worked & then we played in the afternoon. When I became pregnant with my 2nd Chris was offered a position in Idaho Falls with Yellow Book in their Sales (if you have advertising needs you know who to contact.) We always wanted to get closer to home so we moved here before our home sold in Washington. That was the end of last year when the housing market started to go crazy so we stayed in Rexburg until our home sold. During all the craziness Landon was born February 9th of this year. So I have two boys that are keeping me very busy.
We started searching for a home about 3 months ago in Idaho Falls; after losing out on our first home(two offers on the same day) we just moved into our new home a few weeks ago. We love our home & are ok with the intial disappointment of not getting the first home we put an offer on.
We are excited to be back in the area & to be settled again.

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